“I will meditate on Your precepts and fix my eyes on Your ways.”
Psalms 119:15
As you settle into your seat, the lights dim, the noise of the crowd fades to silence, and out walks the concert master. It is time to tune the orchestra. After moments of uncoordinated noise, it appears every musician has found the right tuning. The orchestra is ready to begin their performance. Out walks the maestro.
Now imagine what would happen if, instead of tuning first, the orchestra had jumped right into playing their selections for the evening. Instead of a united beautiful mix of music, the audience would be startled by a unpleasant sound.
So it is with our lives! When we decide to skip our most important task of the day, it is as if we have foregone our spiritual tuning. What results is a disjointed cacophony of actions. Instead of a God-centered day, we are left unfocused.
This doesn't mean that a day without devotions is lost entirely - God is bigger than that. But it does mean that when we are spiritually tuned, we have declared to ourselves and to God the clear focus of our day.
Final Thought
Do not have your concert first and tune your instruments afterward. Begin the day with God.”
Father, help me to make time with You each morning so that I might be tuned spiritually and live a life that is a unified and beautiful melody. May the orchestra of my life be a testament to those who don't know You, and an encouragement to those who do. In the precious Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.