“Are there those among you who are truly wise and understanding? Then they should show it by living right and doing good things with a gentleness that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13
Remember wrestling on the floor when you were a kid? And let’s not forget those warnings that came from our parents or in my case my grandparents they sounded something this: "Don't play rough or someone's going to get hurt!" That same warning holds true today.
And so it is in our daily lives – when you interact with another person, there's a chance that someone may get hurt. That's why being gentle with one another is so important.
It doesn't matter if you're a big, burly guy or a girl who's never met a risk he or she didn't want to take. Gentleness is not a personality trait. It's a character quality worth putting into practice.
No matter who you spend time with today, friends and strangers alike, play gently. Let your words, your tone of voice, your actions, and even your attitude reflect a tender, godly spirit.
Final Thought
Power can do by gentleness what violence fails to accomplish.
Father, I realize that the people You have placed around me and in my life are human beings made in Your image and worthy of my respect. Help me to always treat other people with gentleness and humility, loving them in the same way that You do. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.