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  • Pastor Rolf Woodard

Daily Inspiration Thursday, March 26, 2020

“Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind.” Philippians 4:5

In ancient Jewish tradition, children were given honey when they began studying the Word of the Lord. It was believed that if children actually tasted the sweet honey, they would more fully realize that God's Word is as sweet as honey (Psalm 119:103).

You've probably heard the old phrase, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar." And yet, we often criticize those in the church and outside of the church with words that taste an awful lot more like vinegar than they do honey.

Recently I came across a book filled with quotations. These words by Alexander MacLaren were the first in this book. I want to share his words with you in this devotion today: “Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it.”

We all realize we are in a place this world hasn’t ever been in before. Fear and panic are running rampant and to be honest, we may find ourselves getting a little irritated with our present circumstances. We may even be quick to snap at others or take out our frustrations against them. I suggest we stop and take three seconds to adjust our attitudes before we act.

Final Thought

Are our attitudes full of gentleness and kindness? Do our words reflect God's Word - as sweet as honey? Or are we too quick to judge and speak harshly when we're offended?


Father, help me to have a kind attitude toward everyone - even people I don't understand or agree with. Help me to view Your Word like it's as sweet as honey and to make my own words sweet to the world around me. In Jesus Name. I pray, Amen

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