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Daily Inspiration - Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pastor Rolf Woodard

Jesus said, "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you." Matthew 6:33

How we live our lives reflects our true priorities more than any list we may be holding in our head. Suppose our love for others is evident to those who know us - and even those who don't. Suppose we talk to God about both the small things, as well as the big ones we face each and every day. And suppose we make plans for our future based on the big picture of eternity, instead of the small snapshot of daily life. Then, chances are, we're trying to keep God number one in our life.

Andrea Garney stated, "When you put God first, you are establishing order for everything else in your life." That isn't something you decide once and then forget. Every morning you need to make a choice … "Who will be number one in my life, God or me?"

Final Thought

As we continue to find ourselves with limited contact with the “outside” world. It is perhaps the greatest hour in our relationship with God to really get closer to Him than we have ever been!


Father, so many things in my life are grabbing for my attention, trying to make themselves first place. Help me to see past all of the distractions and maintain my focus on You. Father, I want You to be the number-one priority in my life. In Jesus Name, I pray, Amen.

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